The work of Ivor Jüchtern UG is supervised by Ivor's mentors.
Please, do not comment on the gender and skin colour balance of the Board. Ivor is horrified too and he will change that.
A veteran CEO and a proper Englishman Andrew mentors the company in things Englishness and proper ways of doing business.
Matt teaches Ivor Englishness and helps him navigate Bath and the surroundings.
Matt's LinkedIn
Matthieu initie Ivor à l’art de la culture française, à la gastronomie et à l’œnologie.
Ici, chez Francette.
Matthieu's LinkedIn
© 2025 Ivor Jüchtern UG. All photos by Ivor Jüchtern.
Ivor Jüchtern UG is family owned.